제목Can I really receive free gifts from Temu Fishland2024-04-17 08:18
작성자 Level 10

Temu Fishland 

테무 피쉬랜드로 정말 공짜 선물 받을 수 있을까? 피쉬랜드 및 테무깡이 사기 및 소비자 기망이라는 이유인 3가지 

"Can I really receive free gifts from Temu Fishland? There are 3 reasons why Fishland and Temu Gang are scams and consumer deception.

Fishland is an event in the form of a game where you can receive free gifts by performing various missions such as inviting new members, checking attendance, and sharing rewards, and feeding fish to four fish until each fish achieves 100% completion, achieving 100 coins through collection, and receiving selected gifts for free.

In the beginning, it was fun to perform missions and feed fish, but like other Temu events, it became clear after about ten days that it is impossible to clear without inviting new members.

Reasons for giving up Fishland clearance:

I decided to give up Fishland clearance on the 10th day. The reason is that I felt strange while achieving 99% completion and read the 'official rules'.


As you can see in the Fishland Official Rules below, there are three reasons why Fishland is impossible without inviting new members.

The value of collecting one fish decreases depending on the 1) range displayed on the page. The 2) minimum value of one fish is 0.01 coin, and the 3) minimum growth rate of fish is 0.01%.

By performing all missions except inviting new members, you can get about 500g~600g of feed per day in the beginning (10g consumption per feeding). Then the amount of feed that can be obtained per day decreases, making it difficult to obtain 300g per day.

Moreover, as the growth rate of fish decreases through feeding, it reached the level where it takes about 400g of feed to collect one fish. Looking at reviews from others, sometimes you need to give more than 3,000g to collect one fish later.

Furthermore, the achievement rate, which was increasing by 0.5~1 coin per collected fish, gradually decreased, and when I reached 99.80 coins, it decreased to 0.01 coin.

In other words, from 99.80 coins (taking 9 days), you need to collect 20 more fish, assuming you need an average of 1,500g of feed per day for the remaining period, which requires 30,000g, and it takes 100 days even if you assume you get 300g per day.

However, this is an assumed figure. You should be aware that it takes over 30 days for one fish to grow by 0.01% per feeding, requiring 10,000g for the last 0.01 coin criterion, which can take over 30 days.

The value of gifts that can be obtained through Fishland is usually around 30,000 to 50,000 won. In fact, the products to choose from in the event are based on regular prices, and you can buy similar products at a discounted price when purchasing from Temu.

Moreover, there are too many strange pop-ups appearing every time I break a mission, feed, and collect, so it takes quite a bit of time. Rather than wasting time trying to get this, it's much better to work for about three more hours. Temu makes you feel the saying 'If it's free, you're the product' sharply."

Reasons why Temu is a scam and consumer deception:

As explained above, it allows consumers to achieve a certain level of ease until they think 'There's really not much left. The end is in sight,' and then it changes to extreme difficulty, making it practically impossible to clear without inviting new members.

Moreover, it seems that the minimum number of new members is 5. It could be more than 7 if you're unlucky. Of course, there are people who continue to invite a few people and finally get free gifts, but most people feel bad and stop inviting after a few. Many cases.

In other words, from Temu's perspective, it has succeeded in attracting many new members with small marketing costs through this consumer deception. As expected of a Chinese company, this type of marketing really shakes you up.

However, personally, apart from these fraudulent events, I feel that Temu itself has enough value to use. If you are curious about the reasons for feeling this way, please refer to the posting below."